The Freedom Warrior

How to Build a Bigger Life Through Alternative Property Investment Strategies
By Salena Kulkarni

About the book


Being a property investor is no longer the pursuit of a few outliers. It is the pursuit of the masses.

Some people “wing it” with their property investing and might do ok. But the majority of people who want to create wealth from property flounder. Sometimes it seems easier to hand your hard earned income over to a professional and hope for the best. Planning seems futile given there is so much market uncertainty and even for the proactive investor, wealth creation is riddled with hassles and seems slow.

In this book, learn how you can:

  • Increase passive income and amplify your investing efforts through alternative property investing strategies
  • Cherry pick opportunities from the right market at the right time
  • Set up your game plan in a defensive way when the market seems uncertain
  • Tailor the actions you take and have more control over your results and
  • Develop a financial legacy this is enduring and live a life of massive personal freedom

Read this book, become the Freedom Warrior and be inspired to PLAN BIG, PLAY BIG, THINK BIG and LIVE BIG.

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